A downloadable game

The game as is:

(Launch - Glubo)

At the moment the game is just a walking simulator in a small valley with one half house.  there is ok movement and multiple scenes bit only the valley is accessible. 

(Update 1 - 19Rels)

In this update the is a much more fun dev test level. furthermore  there is a simple temp menu to switch levels and explore the current available levels. also the ground work for the health system has been added.

(Update 2 - Glib Zub Blumbo)

This update adds a functioning scalable stamina system, a working health system (Nothing to damage you yet though) and a new dev scene, this scene has ice and parkour in the valley. the Lonely Valley scene has been upgraded to the Fast Lonely Valley scene. also there is the beginnings of a UI. Finally the main menu has been upgrades, crude but pretty. 

(Update 3 - 23Chernobals!)

this update completely overhauls the health systems and tweaks the player. it also no longer contains all of the testing scenes but instead holds a demo scene in which all previous test scenes are present.  moreover it it now possible to die, however this is just a useless bool (I.E. nothing happens upon  death). the main menu has been refurbished and the controls are not clear.

(Update 4 - IsThereDice)

a working pause menu has been implemented. the beginnings of an unstuck system have been added. also the unavailable dev scenes are removed. also the main character finally has a model (but no animations) also the options scene is in the build but there is no way to aces it (though nothing works in it anyways)

!Glubo is a placeholder!                Idk what ill call it in the end :/

The Trajectory of the project:

the hope for this project is to be an open world PvE (or MPvE or PvPvE) where you balance Tech and magic; or go full-fledged into either or.  the hope is that on top of health and stamina there will also be energy and sanity. tech drains energy and magic drains sanity. Oh and a good story line, but i just want to get the game working first.  Also a class system similar but distinct to DIEP.IO with WAY more options. 

What to keep updated/Support?

I post updates on my Instagram, Quirke016


Glubo.zip 25 MB
19Rels.zip 25 MB
Glib Zub Blumbo.zip 26 MB
23Chernobals!.zip 31 MB

Development log

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